Our Mission

To offer the most effective AI Health companions for billions at 1/4th of current treatment cost.

Problem Statement

1 Billion+


1 Trillion $

Economic Loss Each Year

Top problems in current health solutions

Costly fragmented

Lack of context and cultural nuances

Lack of continous health support that is key for recovery

Clinician population scarcity

Who We Are

One of the first digital mental health companies from India working to democratise mental health in India and the World


Developed IWill GITA & IWill Raksha


Started Developing "IWill CARE", a Platform For AI Driven Empathic, Evidenced and Intelligent Mental Health Model in English, Hindi with Early Support of Microsoft AI4A


Completed 600K+ online mental health interactions/sessions with clinicians


Scaled various online services with several Governments , Large Partners & communities


Built First Automation Led Human Structured Therapy Product for evidence & adoption


India’s one of the first Digital Mental Wellness Startups,
500K+ social community,
50K+ chat Interactions

Who is already with us on this path